Tuesday 22 November 2011

Visa rewards it's cardholders

Shopkick Rewards Visa Cardholders When and Where they Shop

Visa logo 60pxhVisa and shopkick have announced that cardholders can now qualify for valuable rewards just for paying with Visa.
Shopkick now lets mobile users earn more redeemable kicks by choosing to link their eligible Visa debit or credit card into its new Buy & Collect program and then making qualifying purchases at participating shopkick merchants with the linked card. Shopkick users have the option to earn more rewards while shopping in their favorite stores and merchants can increase sales and better measure the effectiveness of their location-based marketing efforts.
Through Visa’s real-time messaging platform, shopkick merchants can also offer Visa cardholders rewards visiting and browsing in a store, as well as making qualifying purchases while they are in the store.

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