Wednesday 7 December 2011

Holidays are Coming - Brussel Sprouts and PCI DSS Compliance - By Marc Darling

Brussel Sprouts, hated them. These evil little green things just wanted to ruin a perfectly good dinner. After the joy of Christmas morning, playing with toys (I am talking about my childhood here, and yes, I can still remember it) and finally getting the “GET TO THE TABLE” call. Crackers pulled, reading the jokes (yes, still the basis of my humour till today) and putting on funny hats – laughing with grandparents. And then dinner is served, and it’s like the uber Sunday lunch! Added extras, cocktail sausages with bacon wrapped round (they weren’t called pigs in blankets back then!) – what genius came up with that? Freshly made stuffing and gravy, the turkey (we did have goose a few times) lots of roasties, good old veggies, and then, there it would be, the sprout. Now I never cheated per se, I was a good boy (at this time) and always did what my Mum told me to. So I would eat the sprouts, but only by dissecting them into the smallest possible size, and then trying to disguise the foul taste with a forkful of nice, tasty food.

Talking of things hard to digest, PCI DSS compliance. A ‘grudge’ project, with a whiff of “brand protection” to try make it easier for the merchant to swallow? With a huge investment needed to segregate networks, the question for retailers is how to get that stamp on their PCI DSS audit, and worry about more important things, such as selling their merchandise.

There are some quick wins to be had, but it's surely important to maintain a long term view. Rather than making rash decisions on short term solutions, there is a commonly held view that in the future, retailers will want the following:
  • A single view of their customers across all channels, and all borders
  • The ability for customers to pay with the currency of their choice
  • Choice, for the retailer, of pin entry device, acquirer and payment methods
  • A solution built to enable the European payment standards (ISO 20022)
  • A scalable solution to allow for business growth
  • To prevent internal and external fraudulent attacks
  • The ability to have real-time identity checks
  • To gain insight into customers’ behaviour and motivations
  • To secure repeat business and decrease promotional costs
  • To engender long-term loyalty and increase campaign ROI

And, perhaps more importantly, a safe pair of hands – an experienced chef, with a long history of bringing together just the right ingredients to turn seemingly unpalatable ingredients into a rewarding culinary experience for the most discerning diner – such as The Logic Group!

Would you believe it, last Christmas, I tried chopping up some brussel sprouts, blanching them, and then frying them off in some butter with shallots, pancetta, garlic a little Dijon mustard, splash of white wine, and they were divine! Long live the brussel sprout!!!

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