Tuesday 20 December 2011

Paris gets interactive NFC mailboxes

French postal service La Poste has added NFC stickers to mailboxes in the central Hotel de Ville area of Paris, allowing passersby to receive information on local services and providing La Poste with the potential to generate new advertising revenues.

La Poste

La Poste, the French national postal service, has equipped mailboxes in Paris' central 4th arrondissement with NFC stickers that enable it to provide a range of new services to locals.
Tapping the stickers on the mailboxes allows NFC phone users to receive personalized, real time offers from local merchants, information on mail collection times at other mailboxes in the area, directions to the closest postage stamp sales outlet and the opening times and location of their local post office.
The new smart mailbox service also supports QR codes and has been developed by French NFC specialist Connecthings. The Connecthings system also enables NFC phone users to access details of local events, a map of the neighbourhood, bus service times and the location of bus stops and classified ads. Check-in services and information on local merchants are also available.
A video illustrates how the service works:

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