Monday 16 January 2012

The Great Escape - NOT!

Thieves dig 100ft tunnel to steal ATM cash

Thieves in Manchester spent six months digging a 100-foot tunnel to reach a cash machine but made off with a paltry £6000 for their troubles.
According to the BBC, the gang tunnelled from a railway embankment at the rear of the Blockbuster video store in Fallowfield Shopping Precinct, went under a car park and then beneath the foundations of the building.

Finally, after months of digging the four foot high tunnel, wired up to the local electricity grid for lighting, the crooks got to the ATM on the second or third of January.

However, because the machine had not been refilled following the bank holiday, it only contained around £6000, leaving police to speculate to the Guardian that they may have actually lost money given the amount of "time, effort and equipment hire".

In 2007 a 40-foot tunnel at the same site was filled in with concrete after being discovered by workmen.

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